Today's poem is "Energy"
from Outlaw Style
R. T. Smith
is the editor of the journal Shenandoah at Washington and Lee University. He is the author of a number of books, most recently, Uke Rivers Delivers: Stories; The Hollow Log Lounge: Poems; and Messenger, winner of the Library of Virginia’s Literary Award for Poetry. Among his other awards are the Cohen Prize for Poetry, the Guy Owen Prize, and three Pushcart Prizes.
Other poems by R. T. Smith in Verse Daily:
August 26, 2002: "Improvident Knowledge" "Because I suffer from the human habit / of taking safety for granted...."
August 10, 2002: "Scribe" "...a cricket in the sugarbush / is mourning..."
July 1, 2002: "Hardware Sparrows" "Out for a deadbolt, light bulbs / and two-by-fours..."
Books by R. T. Smith:
Outlaw Style,
The Hollow Log Lounge
Split the Lark
Uke Rivers Delivers
Banish Misfortune
The Cardinal Heart
The Names of Trees
Other poems on the web by R. T. Smith:
Two poems
"The Girls of O'Connell Street"
Three poems
Four poems
Two poems
"Hardware Sparrows"
"Dar He"
"That Art Might Save a Few"
"Summer House"
R. T. Smith's Home Page.
R. T. Smith according to Wikipedia.
About Outlaw Style:
"An elegant music undergirds the poems in R. T. Smith’s haunting new collection, Outlaw Style. These are poems that seek and find the ‘blood harmony’ in the mongrel that is history. They plumb the depths of those kindred motivators in the pursuit of beautymadness and passion, mystery and geniusto grapple with the legacies of history, both public and private. If it is true, as Smith reminds us quoting Plato, that ‘A man’s mask is apt to become his face,’ that danger, here, is a risk worth Smith’s undertaking. In this brave book, he is a poet enthralled to history and music, taking on the competing narratives of our American past, those many versions that, when acknowledged, get us closest to truth. I will save myself if I can he writes in ‘Strange Fruit, 1939,’ a poem whose words are uttered as if to redeem us all."
"Outlaw Style is the finest, most powerful book of R. T. Smith’s mighty career. It bristles with candor and violence and makes the kind of music that only comes from a rare mix of craft and abandon. This book reminds me why southern poetry mattersit is a shining chunk of the American soul. If you want a masterpiece, here is one."
"Rod Smith’s new book makes even the grimmest, quasi-Manichean spiritslike his fellow Georgian, Flannery O’Connorwant to get happy and testify to the workings of the Holy Spirit; and, simultaneously, to bargain with the Devil for the ability to grab a guitar’s neck and confess ‘the enduring thirst for melody.’ Smith delves deeply into the traditions of Southern music, as well as the story of John Wilkes Booth and outsider artists. He arrives at a place beyond wisdom, his high notes resounding with humility, confidence, and sprezzatura. ‘O play that thing!’ is probably a more fitting accolade than ‘bravo,’ and Outlaw Style makes us crave an encore. Then another."
Natasha Trethewey
Steve Scafidi
Diann Blakely
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