Today's poem is
"Tissue Culture"
from The Bitter Oleander
Robert Pesich
works as a staff scientist at Stanford University. In 2005 he was awarded a poetry fellowship from Arts Council Silcon Valley. His chapbook, Burned Kilim, was published by Dragonfly Press in 2001.
Books by Robert Pesich:
Burned Kilim
Other poems on the web by Robert Pesich:
"Ante Up!"
"Brief Letter"
"Dry Grass"
"Because the Sun Roosts in Your Hands"
About The Bitter Oleander:
Poets in this issue: Rob Cook, Andrzsej Bursa, Kenin Christianson, Helena Ablamowicz, Gyorgy Faludy, Paul Sohar), Gagan Gill, Arlene Zide, Andrej Glusgold, Donna Stonecipher, Victor Rodriguez Nuņez, Katherine Hedeen, Hai Zi, Ye Chun, Serena Fusek, Duane Locke, Shawn Fawson, Robert Pesich, Anne Wilson, George Kalamaras, Anthony Seidman, Maureen Alsop
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $15
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The Bitter Oleander * The Bitter Oleander Press * 4983 Tall Oaks Drive * Fayetteville, New York 13066-9776
Editor: Paul B. Roth
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