Today's poem is
"Studies for a Portrait of a Father and Son"
from Cimarron Review
Richard Lyons
directs the creative writing emphasis at Mississippi State University. His third collection of poems, Fluer Carnivore, won the 2005 Washington Prize from Word Works, Washington, D.C. Recent poems appear in Subtropics, The Gettysburg Review, and Crab Orchard Review.
Books by Richard Lyons:
Hours of the Cardinal,
Fleur Carnivore
These Modern Nights
Other poems on the web by Richard Lyons:
"Red Slaughterhouse Non-Memory Number One"
"Winter Rows"
Richard Lyons's Home Page.
About Cimarron Review:
Poets in this issue: Audrey Petty, Richard Lyons, Pamela Gemin, Cindy E. King, Jan Beatty, Jeffrey Ethan Lee, Amisha Patel, Charles Harper Webb, Diane Reynolds, Bruce Cohen, Sara Burge, Douglas Woody Woodsum, Paul Hostovsky, Noah Michelson, Jason Roush, Martha Kapos, C.L. Dallat, Mong-Lan, Stefanie Wortman, Peter Alvarez, Brock Guthrie, Jim Goar, Diane Seuss
Other poems from Cimarron Review in Verse Daily:
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