Today's poem is "A Table Full of Wasps"
from Wild Tongue
Rebecca Seiferle
is the author of four books of poems, two translations of César Vallejo, and is the founding editor of the online poetry journal, The Drunken Boat. She taught English and creative writing for a number of years at San Juan College and was most recently the poet-in-residence at Brandeis University. In 2004 she was awarded a poetry fellowship from the Lannan Foundation. She lives in Tucson, Arizona.
Books by Rebecca Seiferle:
Wild Tongue,
The Black Heralds
The Music We Dance To
The Ripped-Out Seam
The gift
Other poems on the web by Rebecca Seiferle:
"Law of Inertia"
"The Relic"
"A Broken Crown of Sonnets for My Father’s Forehead"
"The Housewarming Gift"
"The Foundling"
Five poems
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