Today's poem is "The Moon Is a Lemon Wedge"
from The Architecture of Language
Quincy Troupe
is a two-time American Book Award winner and World Heavyweight Champion Poet who has been featured in the PBS poetry series The United States of Poetry and Bill Moyers's The Power of the Word. A native of St. Louis, he now divides his time between New York and a countryside village in Guadeloupe.
About The Architecture of Language:
"What is it poetry seeks? How does it feel to organize against the war in Iraq? What is the architecture of language? These are questions raised by Quincy Troupe in his latest collection of poetry, which also contains poems dedicated to the creativity of famous professionals including Richard Pryor, Lucille Clifton, and Tiger Woods. This volume is a wonderful energetic poetic take-it-to-the-hoop in Guadeloupe Quincy Troupe moment."
"Quincy Troupe's poetry is a complexity of image, a richness of meter weaving the experiences of today's primordial cities and civilizations into the memories of the blood. This book is a kaleidoscopic play of the rise and fall of histories, epic and personal, contained and shaped always by the structure-the architecture-of language. Travel with this great poet into some of his many worlds."
"In a time when so much that is written skims lightly across the surface of our lives, the poetry of Quincy Troupe plunges deep into the river of the real. His work reminds us that poetry is not a dialect but a tongue. The Architecture of Language is important not only for the rich and musical poetry it contains, but for the new chapter it adds to one of American literature's most vital contemporary oeuvres."
Jayne Cortez
Diane Di Prima
Campbell McGrath
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