Today's poem is
"Perfection Letter (viii)"
from 5AM
Patty Seyburn
has published two books of poems: Mechanical Cluster (Ohio State University Press, 2002) and Diasporadic (Helicon Nine Editions, 1998). She has had poems published recently in Arbutus, Hotel Amerika and RHINO, and reviews in Slope, International Poetry Review and The Journal. She is an assistant professor at California State University, Long Beach, and co-editor of POOL: A Journal of Poetry, based in Los Angeles.
All the poems by Patty Seyburn that have appeared on Verse Daily:
October 14, 2002: "Bartender Cain at the Alibi Lounge" "You're right, I tell you, and no, it's not fair...."
Books by Patty Seyburn:
Mechanical Cluster,
Other poems on the web by Patty Seyburn:
"Sense of Things"
"Change of clothes? The very clothes of change!"
"Younger Man"
"In the Mouth"
"Art in America"
"Pathetic Pathetic Fallacy"
"Manifest of Regret and Acceptance"
"The Only Way"
Two poems
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5 AM * BOX 205 * SPRING CHURCH, PA 15686
Editors: Ed Ochester & Judith Vollmer
August 17, 2007: "Praying to the Patron Saint of Saved Marriages" by Kelli Russell Agodon
December 1, 2006: "Daisies" by Louis McKee
July 9, 2006: "Last Days of the Surreal" by Elton Glaser
July 7, 2006: "Little Gossip" by Sonja James
July 6, 2006: "Rock Singer Dies Onstage After Acrobatic Leap Gone Wrong" by Christine DeSimone
July 4, 2006: "Niños Encuerados II" by Jamie Ross
February 10, 2006: "For My First Wife, While Married to My Second" by Christopher Goodrich
June 25, 2005: "I wanted to be sure to reach you" by Jean Valentine
June 24, 2005: "When the River Comes Toward Me" Nance Van Winckel
November 11, 2004: "Niagara Falls Jumper Explains" by Karla M. Huston
July 3, 2004: "Bottle Gentian" by Kasey Jueds
June 21, 2004: "Intertextuality" by Tami Haaland
March 6, 2004: "Bone Poem" by Heather Davis
February 18, 2004: "Monsoon" by Mike Dockins
June 9, 2003: "In Gwendolyn Brooks' Head" by Yona Harvey
December 24, 2002: "By their works" by Bob Hicok
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