Today's poem is
"Our Situation"
from Cave Wall
Patrick Phillips
's first book, Chattahoochee (Arkansas, 2004), was awarded the 2005 Kate Tufts Discovery Award. His poems have appeared in many magazines, including Poetry, Ploughshares, and The Virginia Quarterly Review. His honors include a "Discovery"/The Nation Award, the Sjoberg Translation Prize and a Fullbright Scholarship. He teaches at Drew University.
Other poems by Patrick Phillips in Verse Daily:
Books by Patrick Phillips:
Other poems on the web by Patrick Phillips:
About Cave Wall:
August 27, 2007: "The Very Old Man" " When he met himself..."
September 1, 2004: "The Rules" "The first rule was that he made the rules...."
Five poems
"A History of Twilight"
Poets in this issue: Jeffrey Harrison, Patrick Phillips, Sarah Lindsay, Elizabeth Hadaway, Julianna Baggott, Stuart Dischell, Roger Weingarten, David Rivard, Angie Decola, Alison Pelegrin, Stephen Frech, Carl Phillips
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $10
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Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Verse Daily
All Rights Reserved
Cave Wall Press, LLC *
P.O. Box 29546 *
Greensboro, NC 27429-9546
Editor: Rhett Iseman
August 30, 2007: "Reciprocity" by Carl Phillips
August 27, 2007: "The Very Old Man" by Patrick Phillips
February 18, 2007: "After the Affair" by Claudia Emerson
February 15, 2007: "Surprising the Gods" by Dan Albergotti
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