Nancy Krygowski
is an adult literacy instructor and codirector of the Gist Street Reading Series. Her poems have appeared in Prairie Schooner, River Styx, Southern Poetry Review, 5 A.M., and other magazines. She is the recipient of a Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Individual Artist Grant and awards from the Academy of American Poets and the Association of Writers & Writing Programs.
Books by Nancy Krygowski: Velocity
Other poems on the web by Nancy Krygowski:
"Elegy in Present Tense"
About Velocity:
"These are courageous poems. The music, the language, which I love, is based on a terrific sense of things, and I don't know if it is the music or the knowledge which I most admire. This is a wide-eyed, assertive, wild, well-read, street-smart, edgy, loving, suffering, heaven-crazed poet. It's a joy to find her."
"Poignant may be too clean a word for the fierce grace and honesty of Nancy Krygowski's Velocity. In elegies and meditations on the textures of loss, love and daily-hood, she writes poems of unpretentious risk and mystery. A line like: 'See I'm alive. Tell me I'm alive.' reflects her gift for balancing question and assertion; wonder and recognition in the same lyrical breath. This is a debut of uncommon maturity and depth."
"Deceptively plainspoken, Nancy Krygowski arrives as one of the most high-spirited, uncompromising, and compelling voices we've heard in a long time. In poems that range across all subjectsfrom Vaseline to galaxies, new panties to doomthis poet's sensibility gives music to it all. Velocity is all the things its title suggestsfast and forcefulbut you will return to these poems again and again for the surprising, careful things they have to say about this world and ourselves in it."
Gerald Stern
Terrance Hayes
Laura Kasischke
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