Today's poem is "The Joy is Everywhere"
from The New Year of Yellow
Matthew Lippman
is a writer and a teacher. Currently he teaches English Literature and Creative Writing at Chatham High School in upstate New York, and has been a member of the faculty, Writing Division, in Columbia University's Summer Program for High School Students, as well as an instructor at The Gotham Writers' Workshop. In 1990 he received his MFA from the Writers' Workshop at the University of Iowa and in 1997 he was granted a Master’s in English Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. His poetry has been published widely in such journals as The American Poetry Review, The Iowa Review, The Best American Poetry of 1997, and Tikkun. In 1991 he was the recipient of the James Michener/Paul Engle Poetry Fellowship from the University of Iowa; in 2004 he won a New York State Foundation of the Arts grant for his fiction.
About The New Year of Yellow:
"Different poets possess different powers. So Lippman has eros and humor; somehow, also, he has a great, unfalsifiable affection for human nature. But his work is also empowered by verbal gusto, a faith in the joy of saying. . . . Full of exuberance and invention, flush with the stuff of struggle in the world, bright colored with mood, The New Year of Yellow is a defense of human nature. I believe in its animal instinct, its god-sanctioned, oxygen-breathing, self-evident inalienable right to pronounce."
Tony Hoagland
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