Today's poem is
"There Is No Pretending"
from Pleiades
Mary Jo Bang
's new book is Elegy (Graywolf, 2007).
All the poems by Mary Jo Bang that have appeared on Verse Daily:
January 1, 2007: "Where" " In this cicada city, we are dead..."
October 17, 2005: "The Cruel Wheel Turns Twice" " And tightens until language can't bear this..."
July 4, 2003: "Gretel" "Mother, I am bare in a mist-mad forest..."
Books by Mary Jo Bang:
The Eye Like a Strange Balloon
Louise in Love
Apology for Want
The Downstream Extremity of the Isle of Swans
Whatever You Desire
Other poems on the web by Mary Jo Bang:
Six poems
Three poems
"The Eye Like a Strange Balloon Mounts Toward Infinity"
"Begin Here"
"The Beauties of Nature"
"Ham Paints a Picture to Illustrate an Early Lesson: O Trauma!"
"Mrs. Autumn and Her Two Daughters"
"In the Book of all that's Befallen"
About Pleiades:
Poets in this issue: Mary Jo Bang, Randall Mann, Matt Longabucco, Tomaz Salamun, Joshua Beckman, Ana Jelnikar, Peter Richards, Chris Bullard, Alan Michael Parker, Jonathan Weinert, Michael Dumanis, David Kirby, Derek Pollard, Brian Teare, Joshua Kryah, Carrie Shipers, Timothy O’Keefe, Alex Lemon, Rob Cook, Thom Ward, Mông-Lan, Paul Legault, Lisa Maria Martin, Kathryn Cowles, Mike White, Billy Collins, David Welch, Jennifer Moss, Paige Ackerson-Kiely, Megan Gannon, Jon Link, Julie King
Subscription: $12
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Pleaides: A Journal of New Writing * Department of English * Central Missouri State University * Warrensburg, MO 64093
Editor: Kevin Prufer * Wayne Miller
February 13, 2005: "Ironwork" by Stephanie Bolster
February 12, 2005: "Afterworld" by Sophie Cabot Black
February 11, 2005: "Cruelties" by Stephen Dunn
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