Today's poem is
"Goodbye Is Another Word for Not"
from Jubilat
Mary Jo Bang
is the author of four books of poetry, including Louise in Love and The Eye Like a Strange Balloon. Her fifth book of poems, Elegy, is forthcoming from Graywolf Press in October of 2007. A graduate of the Columbia University MFA program, she is currently an Associate Professor of English and Director of the Creative Writing Program at Washington University in St. Louis. She's been the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Bakeless Prize, and a Hodder Fellowship from Princeton University.
All the poems by Mary Jo Bang that have appeared on Verse Daily:
July 7, 2007: "G Is for Not Just One George" " Gilbert and his brother, plus the monkey..."
June 25, 2007: "Goodbye Is Another Word for Not" " Goodbye Is Another Word for Not to know..."
January 1, 2007: "Where" " In this cicada city, we are dead..."
October 17, 2005: "The Cruel Wheel Turns Twice" " And tightens until language can't bear this..."
July 4, 2003: "Gretel" "Mother, I am bare in a mist-mad forest..."
Books by Mary Jo Bang:
The Eye Like a Strange Balloon
Louise in Love
Apology for Want
The Downstream Extremity of the Isle of Swans
Whatever You Desire
Other poems on the web by Mary Jo Bang:
Six poems
Three poems
"The Eye Like a Strange Balloon Mounts Toward Infinity"
"Begin Here"
"The Beauties of Nature"
"Ham Paints a Picture to Illustrate an Early Lesson: O Trauma!"
"Mrs. Autumn and Her Two Daughters"
"In the Book of all that's Befallen"
About Jubilat:
Poets in this issue: Stephanie Cleveland, David Sewell, C.M. Burroughs, Albert Flynn DeSilver, Tanya Larkin, Ellen Hinsey, Joshua Marie Wilkinson, Christopher Murray, Prageeta Sharma, Evan Willner, Kate Hall, Vito Acconci, Seth Abramson, Andrew Maxwell, Lesle Lewis, Jonathan Skinner, Mary Jo Bang, Jericho Brown, Danielle Dutton, Fernando Pessoa, Michael Snediker, Jon Link, Erica Ehrenberg, Deborah Golub, Rae Armantrout, John Gallaher, Charles Freeland, Robert Strong, Eric Lorberer (Photographs by Kelly Everding), Dorothea Lasky, Ilse Aichinger, Christian Hawkey, Uljana Wolf, Cathy Park Hong, Michael Hansen, Matt Hart, Britta Ameel, Genya Turovskaya
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $14
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jubilat * Bartlett 482 * Dept. of English * University of Massachusetts * Amherst, MA 01003-0515
Editor: Christian Hawkey & Michael Teig
December 29, 2006: "Sonnet" by Karen Volkman
December 28, 2006: "The Object of the Object" by Nance Van Winckel
December 26, 2006: "I Am So Great" by Cecily Iddings
March 26, 2006: "Wherewithout" by Mark Bibbins
March 25, 2006: "Please Take Back the Sparrows" by Suzanne Buffam
September 17, 2005: "The Recollection of Some Object Formed From It" by Jen Tynes
September 13, 2005: "Tonight's The Night" Catherine Meng
January 30, 2005: "Dear Birds" by Mark Yakich
August 1, 2004: "Eclogue IV" by Andrea Zanzotto, translated by Wayne Chambliss
November 10, 2003: "Poem" by James Shea
November 8, 2003: "Catullus #2" by Gaius Valerius Catullus, translated by Rick Snyder
November 7, 2003: "Fetus in Orbit" by L. S. Klatt
November 5, 2003: "[ Worry-Worn: God ]" by Marina Tsvetaeva, translated by Christina Davis
February 16, 2003: "White Anklets" by Shauna Hannibal
February 14, 2003: "Each Thing Charged" by Ben Doyle
July 19, 2002: "Late Gallop" by Eugen Jebeleanu
July 3, 2002: "Not Here" by Richard Jackson
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