Today's poem is "At the Falls"
from Season We Can't Resist
Martha Carlson-Bradley
has published three collections of poetry: a full-length book, Season We Can't Resist (WordTech Editions, June 2007), and two chapbooks, Beast at the Hearth (Adastra Press, 2005) and Nest Full of Cries (Adastra Press, 2000). Her poems have been published in many literary magazines, including New England Review, Marlboro Review, Poetry East, Carolina Quarterly, Beloit Poetry Journal, and Zone 3 and in anthologies, such as The Poets' Grimm (Story Line Press, 2003). Carlson-Bradley has been awarded an individual artist fellowship from the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts and a grant-in-aid from the St. Botolph Club Foundation. She has an MFA in Poetry from Warren Wilson College and a PhD in English from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She earned her BA in English from Salem State College. Carlson-Bradley grew up in Massachusetts, lived in the South for ten years, and now lives with her family in New Hampshire, at the edge of a state forest.
Books by Martha Carlson-Bradley: Season We Can't Resist, Nest Full of Cries, Beast at the Hearth
Other poems on the web by Martha Carlson-Bradley:
"What We Do"
Selections from "If I Take You Here"
Martha Carlson-Bradley's Home Page.
About Season We Can't Resist:
"For some poets the natural world with its intimate processes of growth and decay is little more than a vague screen on which to project our own more visible human dramas. That is not the case with Martha Carlson-Bradley. Rather, her spare but unsparing lyrics are wholly alive to nature first on its own terms and only then in searching relationship to the poet. Here are poems that exult in the names of things and bristle with the language of science as well as love, and in them Martha Carlson-Bradley plumbs the deeper 'chemical ecstasy' that binds the smallest manifestations of creation to the largest, and locates our flawed human desire in that superabundance."
"Martha Carlson-Bradley is unflinching in the way she examines the weight and wonder emanating from each leaf, each spore, shadow, and cry in the world we live in, and the human meanings we bring to such things: metaphoric, sexual, scientific, mortal. Season We Can't Resist is a bold book, full of wit, and verve, and beauty."
"Martha Carlson-Bradley writes as sharply as she thinks, and she thinks as sharply as she sees. With exceptional rigor and maturity, and a naturalist's eye, she renders the natural world and our place in it with preternatural clarity and grace."
Daniel Tobin
Jane Brox
Michael Ryan
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