Today's poem is "The Table"
from Undid in the Land of Undone
Lee Upton
is the author of four other books of poetry and four books of literary criticism, most recently Defensive Measures. Her poetry and fiction appear widely. She is a professor of English and the Writer in Residence at Lafayette College.
Other poems by Lee Upton in Verse Daily:
Books by Lee Upton:
Undid in the Land of Undone (New Issues Poetry & Prose)
Other poems on the web by Lee Upton:
Lee Upton according to Wikipedia.
About Undid in the Land of Undone:
"In Upton's fifth book of poetry, she returns to tableaus in history, both mythical and actual. She pictures Emily Dickinson with blossoms in her hands, Dido standing before the burning pyre at Carthage; even lines from Shakespeare become fodder for a rich imagining of scene. The poems move between ancient settings and modern metaphorical language, high seriousness and humor."
April 25, 2006: "Undid in the Land of Undone" " All the things I wanted to do and didn't..."
Defensive Measures
Civilian Histories
The Muse of Abandonment
Approximate Darling
Obsession and Release
Jean Garrigue
No Mercy
Invention of Kindness
"The Broom"
"The Decorator Crab"
Camille-Yvette Welsch
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