Today's poem is
"Praying to the Patron Saint of Saved Marriages"
from 5AM
Kelli Russell Agodon
was born and raised in Seattle and educated at the University of Washington and Pacific Lutheran University where she received her MFA in creative writing. She is the author of two books of poems, Small Knots (2004) and Geography, winner of the 2003 Floating Bridge Press Chapbook Award. Kelli won the Atlantic Monthly Student Writing Contest for poetry and her poems have appeared or are upcoming in such literary journals as the Atlantic Monthly, Prairie Schooner, North American Review, Image, 5 a.m. Bellevue Literary Journal, Crab Orchard Review, Meridian, PoetLore, Calyx, The Seattle Review, Rhino, and many others. She is the recipient of two Washington State Artist Trust GAP grants, the James Hearst Poetry Prize, the Carlin Aden Award for formal verse, a Soapstone Writer's Residency, and most recently, a grant from the Puffin Foundation for her work towards peace and as a poetry editor.
All the poems by Kelli Russell Agodon that have appeared on Verse Daily:
Books by Kelli Russell Agodon:
Small Knots
Other poems on the web by Kelli Russell Agodon:
Kelli Russell Agodon's Home Page.
Kelli Russell Agodon's Blog.
About 5AM:
September 29, 2005: "Love Song to My Neighborhoods" " Sometimes I stroll through forests..."
August 6, 2004: "A Mermaid Questions God" "As a girl, she hated the grain of anything..."
" Sometimes I still dream about their pink bodies"
Four poems
Ten poems
"Of a Forgetful Sea"
Two poems
"After My Last Chemo Appointment I Steal Page Six from The Children's Illustrated Book of Bible Stories"
Two poems
"The Meaning of Figs"
Three poems
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $15
Other poems from 5 AM in Verse Daily:
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5 AM * BOX 205 * SPRING CHURCH, PA 15686
Editors: Ed Ochester & Judith Vollmer
December 1, 2006: "Daisies" by Louis McKee
July 9, 2006: "Last Days of the Surreal" by Elton Glaser
July 7, 2006: "Little Gossip" by Sonja James
July 6, 2006: "Rock Singer Dies Onstage After Acrobatic Leap Gone Wrong" by Christine DeSimone
July 4, 2006: "Niños Encuerados II" by Jamie Ross
February 10, 2006: "For My First Wife, While Married to My Second" by Christopher Goodrich
June 25, 2005: "I wanted to be sure to reach you" by Jean Valentine
June 24, 2005: "When the River Comes Toward Me" Nance Van Winckel
November 11, 2004: "Niagara Falls Jumper Explains" by Karla M. Huston
July 3, 2004: "Bottle Gentian" by Kasey Jueds
June 21, 2004: "Intertextuality" by Tami Haaland
March 6, 2004: "Bone Poem" by Heather Davis
February 18, 2004: "Monsoon" by Mike Dockins
June 9, 2003: "In Gwendolyn Brooks' Head" by Yona Harvey
December 24, 2002: "By their works" by Bob Hicok
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