
Today's poem is "Why Bother Resurrecting the Dead"
from Dear Blackbird,

The University of Utah Press

Jane Springer grew up in a myriad of small towns in Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Kentucky. A doctoral candidate, she currently teaches English in the Creative Writing Program at Florida State University in Tallahassee.

All the poems by Jane Springer that have appeared on Verse Daily: June 24, 2006:   "Quilts" " Six siblings and two parents..."

Books by Jane Springer: Dear Blackbird,

Other poems on the web by Jane Springer:
"Dear Blackbird I"
"Dear Blackbird II"

About Dear Blackbird,:

"Most new poetry I read nowadays seems decorous in its austerities or its embellishments: willed, over-plotted, dry. Not Jane Springer’s. Her work leaps to its tasks with a heady extravagance. Dear Blackbird, is her letter to the world, as eerie as Dickinson’s. Its pages don’t depend on a sequence of neat stanzas but are a surge of incantatory phrases and feelings. The skin of each poem quivers with the mind’s contradictions, the heart’s panic. It is risky, not merely reckless; rapturous, not merely rapacious. Memories spill over fantasies, Southern lore collides with hipster know-how. This book is the most exciting debut in years, and when we remember that “début” originally meant to score first in a new game, that is just what Springer has done: taken on a new set of terms and struck first, struck gold."
—J. D. McClatchy

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