Today's poem is
"In a Better World Than This"
from Colorado Review
James Cushing
has published three full-length poetry collections with Cahuenga Press: You and the Night and the Music (1991), The Length of an Afternoon (1999), and Undercurrent Blues (2005). Since 1989 he has taught literature and creative writing at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, where he also hosts a weekly jazz program on campus radio station, KCPR-FM.
Books by James Cushing:
Undercurrent Blues,
The Length of an Afternoon
You and the Night and the Music
Other poems on the web by James Cushing:
"The Man with the Broom"
"Later Chapters"
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Colorado Review * 9105 Campus Delivery * Department of English * Colorado State University * Fort Collins, Colorado 80523
Poetry Editors: Donald Revell * Sasha Steensen * Matthew Cooperman
November 19, 2007: "Sestina with Random Peace Words" by Monica Raymond
November 22, 2007: "Fighting" by Dana Goodyear
November 21, 2007: "Flicker" by Joanna Klink
November 20, 2007: "Poem Beside Itself" by Graham Foust
November 19, 2007: "Sestina with Random Peace Words" by Monica Raymond
November 8, 2007: "If You Should Care For Me" by Lacy Schutz
October 29, 2007: "Would That We Had" by DLacy Schutz
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