Today's poem is "City of Blastocyst"
from Dog Girl
Heidi Lynn Staples
is author of Guess Can Gallop and a chapbook, Take Care Fake Bear Torque Cake. Her poetry has appeared in Argotist (U.K.), Best American Poetry 2004, Chicago Review, Denver Quarterly, Free Verse, Green Mountains Review, La Petite Zine, No Tell Motel, Ploughshares, Slope, and other places. She lives in Ireland with her husband and daughter.
Other poems by Heidi Lynn Staples in Verse Daily:
Books by Heidi Lynn Staples:
Guess Can Gallop
Other poems on the web by Heidi Lynn Staples:
Heidi Lynn Staples's Blog.
About Dog Girl:
"Intricate maps of image, comedy, pain. Delicate juxtapositions. Balancing acts (axe). Heidi Lynn Staples writes a dogged poem. Words walk to a reader from unexpected corners, original places. Vibrant. Sustenance."
"Of the language-powered poets on (he poetic landscape, Heidi Lynn Staples is one of the only ones whose heart powers the machine. To quote Franz Wright, she's more fun than a topless rodeo."
"In Dog Girl, Heidi Lynn Staples dances on a tightrope strung between sense and nonsense, between adulthood and childhood, and the lyricism of her verbal acrobatics confounds and delights in the way only genuine poetry can. Staples takes the existing lexicon and wrenches words into posit on, then commands them to be other than what they were, much [o the joy of her astonished reader."
March 31, 2005: "Another Story with a Burning Yarn in It" ""I was on a fragmented seeming toward..."
Dog Girl
Three poems
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"Literal of Apparition"
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"Bitch Session"
"The Laze of Bulk"
"The Village"
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"Flown The Parrots of Averse Writing"
"Brink Me"
"A Lovely Girl, Sixteen Years Old"
"The Lox"
"Chide My Palsy, or My Gout"
Michael Burkhard
Mary Karr
Christopher Kennedy
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