
Today's poem is "Blackbirds"
from Figured Dark

University of Arkansas Press

Greg Rappleye is corporation counsel for Ottawa County, Grand Haven, Michigan. He’s the author of two poetry collections, Holding Down the Earth and A Path Between Houses, and two chapbooks. A past Bread Loaf Fellow in poetry, he has won a number of awards, including a Pushcart Prize, the Paumanok Poetry Award, and the Brittingham Prize, and he was the first runner up for the 2007 Dorset Prize.

Other poems by Greg Rappleye in Verse Daily:
July 2, 2004:  "In Ambient Light" "My love is so small...."

Books by Greg Rappleye: Figured Dark, A Path Between Houses, Hold Down the Earth

Other poems on the web by Greg Rappleye:
"Not That Happiness"

Greg Rappleye's Blog.

About Figured Dark:

"Oh the fine, brawling, pungent observation of these poems: ‘the smog-brown sea,’ ‘the baggies-drooping sea’; Homer would be exhilarated and appalled. Greg Rappleye revives the language and revives our powers of seeing. Figured Dark is shot through with light."
—Linda Gregerson

"Rappleye’s poems in Figured Dark come from an imagination without peer. There is nothing predictable about them. As Pound urged his heirs to, Rappleye does make it new, plumbing the palpable ordinary, with a dazzling diversity of images, and through a window we've not looked into before."
—Dan Gerber

"Figured Dark is a lovely book, heart-stopping, at moments, for its directness. The poems feature a conversational and lyrical plainness. Greg Rappleye fires and tempers metaphor, talk, cultural and literary allusion, and emotion so skillfully that readers can look through to the heart of the matter—the odd details of living and what goodness remains after death's insinuations. ‘What does the body want? / To be a crucible says the body,’ the poet writes. Figured Dark is crucible."
—Carol Frost

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