Today's poem is
"Trial Marriage"
from Poetry London
D Nurkse
is the author of nine collections of poetry. The most recent Fall (Knopf, 2002) and Burnt Island (Knopf, 2005). A new collection, The Border Kingdom, is forthcoming. He received a Guggenheim Fellowship this year.
All the poems by D Nurkse that have appeared on Verse Daily:
Books by D Nurkse:
Burnt Island
Other poems on the web by D Nurkse:
About Poetry London:
May 20, 2005: "Pas De L'Incise" ""We came down from the little mountains..."
The Fall
Shadow Wars
Leaving Xaia
The Rules of Paradise
Voices Over Water
"Four poems"
Two poems
Four poems
Three poems
Two poems
Seven poems
"My Father's Closet"
"A Stoop in South Brooklyn"
"A Child in Brooklyn"
Poets in this issue: Chase Twichell, Jessica Greenbaum, Markus Lloyd, Ciaran Carson, Diana Pooley, Robert Saxton, Jamie McKendrick, Penelope Shuttle, D Nurkse, Dennis Casling, Coral Bracho, Jemma Borg, Patrick Brandon, Jane Hirshfield, Valeria Melchioretto, Sam Riviere, Julian Turner, Kelly Grovier, John Kinsella, Christian Campbell
Subscription: 1yr (3 issues) £21.50
Other poems from Poetry London in Verse Daily:
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Poetry London * 1A Jewel Road * LONDON E17 4QU * UK
Poetry Editor: Maurice Riordan
December 27, 2006: "Medium as Meteorologist" by Heather McHugh
September 25, 2006: "Cat Nap" by Asa Boxer
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