Today's poem is
"As If I Wasn't There"
from Burnside Review
Dick Allen
's seventh collection of poems, tentatively titled Clatter of a Broken Tile: More New Poems, will be published by Sarabande Books in October, 2008. It follows The Day Before: New Poems, also from Sarabande (2003). His poems have received a Pushcart Prize, five inclusions in The Best American Poetry volumes, and fellowships from the NEA and Ingram Merrill Poetry Foundations. They've recently appeared in or are soon forthcoming in The Best American Spiritual Writing: 2007, APR, Triquarterly, and The North Dakota Quarterly.
Other poems by Dick Allen in Verse Daily:
June 11, 2007: "Inside the Body" " Saying things can be hard. I try..."
January 26, 2003: "To His Mistress Going to Bed" "O Central Nervous System..."
January 20, 2003: "Cicadas And" "Cicadas and my love..."
Books by Dick Allen:
The Day Before: New Poems,
Flight and Pursuit
Ode to the Cold War
Overnight in the Guest House of the Mystic
Anon, and various time machine poems
Other poems on the web by Dick Allen:
Two poems
Two poems
Two poems
Dick Allen's Home Page.
Dick Allen according to Wikipedia.
About Burnside Review:
Poets in this issue: Roberto Juarroz, Jennifer Merriffield, James Capozzi, Anne Heide, Paul Guest, Larissa Szporluk, Gabe Adoff, Adam Baz, Alberto Rios, Paul Legault, Sarah Cohen, Georges Godeau, Michael Szporluk, Brooklyn Copeland, Lesile Jamison, Adam Baz, Blake Butler, Katie Cappello, John Mann, Nathan Hoks, Travis Brown, Ben Lerner, Dick Allen, Andrew Michael Roberts, Gustavo Adolfo Becquer, Zanni Schauffler
Subscription: two issues $14
Other poems from Burnside Review in Verse Daily:
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Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Verse Daily
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Burnside Review * P.O. Box 1782 * Portland OR 97207
Editor: Sid Miller
September 18, 2007: "Transmissions" by Nathan Hoks
September 17, 2007: "Lamb" by Andrew Michael Roberts
April 5, 2007: "White" by Jessica Johnson
April 3, 2007: "The Strange Girl Asked Politely to be Called Princess" by Kate Nuernberger
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