
Today's poem is "Hives"

from Diner

Debra Wierenga has poems forthcoming in Nimrod, Poet Lore, and Measure. She lives in western Michigan.

About Diner:

Subscription: 1 year $10
Diner * PO Box 60676 * Greendale Station * Worcester, MA 01606-2378
Editors: Eve Rifkah and Michael Milligan

Other poems from Diner in Verse Daily:
January 18, 2006:   "Frogs" by Jeffrey Levine
January 14, 2006:   "Centenary Federation" by James Capozzi
May 29, 2005:  "Rhapsody" Sandra Kohler
May 28, 2005:  "Cooling" Betsey Houghton

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