Today's poem is
"Free Fall"
from Southwest Review
David Wagoner
has published seventeen books of poetry, most recently Good Morning and Good Night (University of Illinois Press, 2005), and ten novels, one of which, The Escape Artist, was made into a movie by Francis Ford Coppola. He was chancellor of the Academy of American Poets for twenty-three years. He edited Poetry Northwest from 1966 to its end in 2002 and is professor emeritus of English at the University of Washington.
All the poems by David Wagoner that have appeared on Verse Daily:
December 19, 2005: "The Elephant's Graveyard" " Their huge gray shapes were trudging up a trail..."
June 16, 2003: "The Son of a Carpenter" "He knew the shapes and the gnarled persuasions..."
Books by David Wagoner:
Mad Hat,
Good Morning and Good Night
The House of Song
Traveling Light
Walt Whitman Bathing
Through the Forest
Collected Poems: 1956-1976
The Road to Many a Wonder
Straw for the Fire
Baby Come on Inside
The Nesting Ground, a Book of Poems
Sleeping in the Woods
The Hanging Garden
The Escape Artist
Staying Alive
Money Money Money
Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight?
The man in the middle
First Light
In Broken Country
Working Against Time
A Place to Stand
Whole Hog
A Guide To Dungeness Spit
Other poems on the web by David Wagoner:
"On Motel Walls"
"Eating a Toad"
Two poems
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Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Verse Daily
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Southwest Review * Southern Methodist University * P.O. Box 750374 * Dallas TX 75275-0374
Editor-in-Chief: Willard Spiegelman
June 3, 2007: "Curse" by David Lehman
February 6, 2007: "Communiqué" by Carol Stevens Kner
December 22, 2006: "The Man at the Dump" by Brian Swann
December 20, 2006: "Time and Place" by Benjamin S. Grossberg
September 20, 2006: "The Man at the Dump" by Stephen Cushman
July 26, 2006: "Last Poem in May" by Judith Harris
May 23, 2006: "The Poetry of Bad Weather" by Debora Greger
May 16, 2006: "Oracle" by Michael Spence
March 13, 2006: "The Girl with the Pearl Earring" by William Logan
January 7, 2006: "Grotesque" by Sarah Arvio
September 16, 2005: "Rosemary" Andrew Frisardi
July 2, 2005: "Eve Leaves Eden" by Celia Gilbert
June 29, 2005: "Snowdon Philosophy" Neil Shepard
March 25, 2005: "UFOs" by Hailey Leithauser
March 24, 2005: "Tornado/Warning" by Brian Henry
March 23, 2005: "Variations on a Theme Beginning With Darkness" by Julianne Buchsbaum
November 27, 2004: "Everything" by Judith Harris
June 22, 2004: "Money" by Daniel Corrie
June 20, 2004: "Some Thoughts on the Bergen Street Renaissance" by Tess Taylor
June 17, 2004: "The Green Going On" by Larry Bradley
April 1, 2004: "Poison" by Charles Martin
March 30, 2004: "Rehearsals for the New Order" by Bruce Bond
March 29, 2004: "For Rent" by Dolores Hayden
December 2, 2003: "Hay Field on Methodist Hill" by Deborah Warren
December 1, 2003: "Platonic" byWilliam Wenthe
June 19, 2003: "The Park Interpreter Speaks" by Leslie Noyes Harrison
June 3, 2003: "Pink Salmon" by Cecily Parks
March 11, 2003: "Restoration, Full Moon Garden" by Andrew McCord
March 10, 2003: "The Dunes" by William Logan
December 22, 2002: "Georgic" by Michael J. Rosen
December 20, 2002: "Wisdom Teeth" by Eliza Griswold
December 18, 2002: Variations on a Postcard by T. S. Eliot by Karl Kirchwey
September 20, 2002: "Chevron and Swoop" by Cecily Parks
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