Today's poem is
from Southwest Review
David Lehman
has edited The Oxford Book of American Poetry (2006). His most recent collection of poems is When a Woman Loves a Man (Scribner, 2005).
All the poems by David Lehman that have appeared on Verse Daily:
Books by David Lehman:
When a Woman Loves a Man
Other poems on the web by David Lehman:
About Southwest Review:
April 21, 2005: "End Note" ""I hitched my wagon to a whale in the clouds..."
April 11, 2005: "Sestina " ""In Iowa, Jim dreamed that Della Street was Anne Sexton's..."
The Last Avant-Garde: The Making of the New York School of Poets
Jim and Dave Defeat the Masked Man
The Evening Sun : A Journal in Poetry
Alternative to Speech
Operation Memory
The Daily Mirror
Day one: Poems
Valentine Place: Poems
Two poems
Two poems
Three poems
"April 30"
Three poems
Subscription: 1 year (4 issues), $24
Other poems from Southwest Review in Verse Daily:
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Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Verse Daily
All Rights Reserved
Southwest Review * Southern Methodist University * P.O. Box 750374 * Dallas TX 75275-0374
Editor-in-Chief: Willard Spiegelman
February 6, 2007: "Communiqué" by Carol Stevens Kner
December 22, 2006: "The Man at the Dump" by Brian Swann
December 20, 2006: "Time and Place" by Benjamin S. Grossberg
September 20, 2006: "The Man at the Dump" by Stephen Cushman
July 26, 2006: "Last Poem in May" by Judith Harris
May 23, 2006: "The Poetry of Bad Weather" by Debora Greger
May 16, 2006: "Oracle" by Michael Spence
March 13, 2006: "The Girl with the Pearl Earring" by William Logan
January 7, 2006: "Grotesque" by Sarah Arvio
September 16, 2005: "Rosemary" Andrew Frisardi
July 2, 2005: "Eve Leaves Eden" by Celia Gilbert
June 29, 2005: "Snowdon Philosophy" Neil Shepard
March 25, 2005: "UFOs" by Hailey Leithauser
March 24, 2005: "Tornado/Warning" by Brian Henry
March 23, 2005: "Variations on a Theme Beginning With Darkness" by Julianne Buchsbaum
November 27, 2004: "Everything" by Judith Harris
June 22, 2004: "Money" by Daniel Corrie
June 20, 2004: "Some Thoughts on the Bergen Street Renaissance" by Tess Taylor
June 17, 2004: "The Green Going On" by Larry Bradley
April 1, 2004: "Poison" by Charles Martin
March 30, 2004: "Rehearsals for the New Order" by Bruce Bond
March 29, 2004: "For Rent" by Dolores Hayden
December 2, 2003: "Hay Field on Methodist Hill" by Deborah Warren
December 1, 2003: "Platonic" byWilliam Wenthe
June 19, 2003: "The Park Interpreter Speaks" by Leslie Noyes Harrison
June 3, 2003: "Pink Salmon" by Cecily Parks
March 11, 2003: "Restoration, Full Moon Garden" by Andrew McCord
March 10, 2003: "The Dunes" by William Logan
December 22, 2002: "Georgic" by Michael J. Rosen
December 20, 2002: "Wisdom Teeth" by Eliza Griswold
December 18, 2002: Variations on a Postcard by T. S. Eliot by Karl Kirchwey
September 20, 2002: "Chevron and Swoop" by Cecily Parks
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