Today's poem is
"The Cows"
from Diner
Darren Morris
lives a mostly forgettable life in Richmond, VA where he wastes a great deal of time puzzling over things like colony collapse. His incredibly beautiful wife and his medium-sized dog ensure that he doesn't take things too seriously. He is working on a poetry manuscript Puma Safety Tips and a collection of short stories titled American Sporting Events.
Other poems on the web by Darren Morris:
"Watching Jarrell Almost Read a Poem"
Three poems
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Diner * PO Box 60676 * Greendale Station * Worcester, MA 01606-2378
Editors: Eve Rifkah and Michael Milligan
April 8, 2007: "Absent" by Melinda Wilson
April 6, 2007: "Hives" by Debra Wierenga
January 18, 2006: "Frogs" by Jeffrey Levine
January 14, 2006: "Centenary Federation" by James Capozzi
May 29, 2005: "Rhapsody" Sandra Kohler
May 28, 2005: "Cooling" Betsey Houghton
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