Today's poem is "Duration of the Spider"
from Encouragement for a Man Falling to His Death
Christopher Kennedy
grew up in a working-class suburb of Syracuse, New York. He received a B.A. in English from LeMoyne College and a M.A. in Creative Writing/English from Syracuse University where he is currently the Director of the M.F.A. Program in Creative Writing. Kennedy has published two books of prose poems, Nietzsche's Horse and Trouble with the Machine and one chapbook of prose poems, Greatest Hits. His writing has appeared in print and electronic journals including Ploughshares, The Threepenny Review, Double Room, and Del Sol Review among many others. Kennedy has received fellowships and awards from the Onondaga County Cultural Resource Center, New York Foundation for the Arts, and the Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts.
Books by Christopher Kennedy:
Encouragement for a Man Falling to His Death,
Trouble with the Machine
Nietzsche's Horse
About Encouragement for a Man Falling to His Death:
"Christopher Kennedy writes a landscape of periphery, in which everything is brilliantly askew, and the light of oddity is cast over the everyday. His poemsbeautifully structured, wayward fablescreate profane and absurd substitutes for the sacred. Kennedy is a find. I was heartened to discover such a marvelous writer, quietly but steadfastly energizing American poetry."
"It would almost be enough to praise Christopher Kennedy's Encouragement for a Man Falling to His Death for its rich humor, but as the paradoxical title suggests, the levity here is always underscored by gravity. In elegies, sonnets, fables and odes, these poems swivel between the absurd and tragic; the mundane and enchanted; the rooted and unsettled. We witness a shrewd, wise-cracking spirit resisting despair even while admitting, `It's only a matter of time before I become an integral part of the conflict.'"
"Christopher Kennedy persuades a reader to think bigger thoughts, to accommodate the logic unique to these poems. He moves easily from raw to refined, and is both startling and oddly soothing. Some people write novels to arrive at what he lays down in a single line."
Alice Fulton
Terrance Hayes
Amy Hempel
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