
Today's poem is "Infidelity"
from The Second Person

Four Way Books

C. Dale Young practices medicine, serves as poetry editor of New England Review, and teaches in the Warren Wilson College MFA Program. He is the author of The Day Underneath the Day (Northwestern, 2001), which was a finalist for the 2002 Norma Farber Award given by the Poetry Society of America for the best first collection published in the preceding year, and Torn (Mad River Press, 2004), a limited-edition fine letter-press broadside. He is a previous winner of the Grolier Prize, the Tennessee Williams Scholarship in Poetry from the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, and the 2003 Stanley P. Young Fellowship in Poetry from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference. His poems have appeared in many anthologies and magazines, including The Best American Poetry, Asian American Poetry: The Next Generation, The New Republic, The Paris Review, Ploughshares, and Poetry. He lives in San Francisco with the biologist and composer, Jacob Bertrand, his life partner.

Other poems by C. Dale Young in Verse Daily:
April 12, 2004:  "The Tree Frog" "It is not the chambers of the heart that hold him..."

About The Second Person:

"If drinking is bitter, change yourself to wine.’ Again and again, the poems in The Second Person perform just such metamorphoses: from faithlessness, they extract the faithful return of longing; from the stern parameters of bodily affliction, they extract the consoling vista of mortal comprehension. [Young] is no stranger, in other words, to the body in its dying, the spirit in its starkest confrontations, the mind in its intertwining missions of healing and analysis. All of this brings incomparable richness to his poetic project: behold here the luminous form that mindfulness assumes."
—Linda Gregerson

"If you want poems that delve, if you want language that dissects, if you want emotions that seize and ideas that startle, then The Second Person has you written all over it."
—J. D. McClatchy

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