Today's poem is by Sophie Cabot Black
The Son
A man goes up a mountain. He is moved by what he believes. He sees the climb
as necessary, as no way out but through. He brings his son, who watches; son
who still hasn't caught on. Son who has followed. Son who thinks one day he
will inherit. Son who acts as if without brothers. Son who says yes to
whatever is before him. Son who waits by the old rock, the low bush. Son who
brought nothing but the rucksack he was given. Son who did not move beneath
the knife. Son who saw the end of day as ecclesiastic, as blaze. Son who in
time made all other sons listen to the story of the old man who got all the
way up and who without looking back went over to the other side. Who
disappeared as if looking for other sons. As if done. Son who walked in quiet
and calm, having come back down, alone. Son for whom nothing was changed, was
changed, and in the changing changed the world.
Copyright © 2006 Sophie Cabot Black All rights reserved
from The New Republic
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