Today's poem is "Imagining Seals"
from Imagining Seals
Dionysia Press
Susanna Roxman
has worked as a secretary, a teacher of classical ballet, and a fashion model. She studied English at King's College, London University, and has a PhD in Comparative Literature. Her poetry collection Broken Angels was published by Dionysia Press, Edinburgh, and won the Arts Award of the City of Lund, Sweden. Susanna's poems have appeared in numerous literary magazines world-wide. She has also written a scholarly book, Guilt and Glory, on Margaret Drabble. Susanna's criticism and arts journalism have been published in Dance Magazine (USA), The Guardian, Plays and Players, Poetry Salzburg Review (Austria), The Spoon River Poetry Review (USA), and elsewhere. She has contributed several articles to The Continuum Encyclopedia of British Literature (Continuum, New York) and New Makers of Modern Cu1ture (Routledge, London).
Other poems by Susanna Roxman in Verse Daily:
July 21, 2003: "Written By Pavlov’s Few, Sad, Last Surviving Dogs" "Aging dogs, shabby dogs..."
About Imagining Seals:
"Roxman allocates a whole section of the collection to poems connected with winter, mountains and the rigours of life within the Arctic Circle and I would. venture to suggest that she is well acquainted with these Arctic regions as her 'Winter' poems are too wonderfully expressive and well observed to have been inspired simply by reading ... A serious and accomplished writer both in terms of structure and perhaps even more tellingly in terms of her ability to see and explore beyond the boundaries of modern day living... (a) deeply thoughtful writer."
Charlie Orr
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