Today's poem is
"At Last, Fire Seen As a Psychotic Break"
from The National Poetry Review
Sarah Hannah
’s first book, Longing Distance (Tupelo Press, 2004), was a semi-finalist for the Yale Younger Poets Prize, and was nominated for the Kate Tufts Discovery Award, the Norma Farber Award, two Pushcart Prizes, and the Foreword Prize. These poems are from her second collection, entitled Inflorescence, to be published by Tupelo in 2008. Her poems have appeared in The Southern Review, Parnassus, Western Humanities Review, Gulf Coast, Boulevard, Agni, Rattapallax, Michigan Quarterly Review, Southern Humanities Review, and many other journals. She teaches poetry at Emerson College in Boston.
Other poems by Sarah Hannah in Verse Daily:
About The National Poetry Review:
October 6, 2004: "Destroying Angel (Amanita virosa)" "I'm way in, way in you, Mushroom..."
April 29, 2003: "For the Fog Horn When There Is No Fog" "Still sounding in full sun past the jetty..."
Poets in this issue: Debra Bruce, Steven D. Schroeder, Kathleen Halme III, Sarah Hannah, Michael Meyerhofer, Jill Alexander Essbaum, Linda Nemec Foster, Ann Lauinger, Lynne Knight, Tara Bray, Dean Jameson, Michael Robins, J. P. Dancing Bear, Bob Hicok, Brian Swann
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $12
Other poems from The National Poetry Review in Verse Daily:
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Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Verse Daily
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The National Poetry Review * Post Office Box 2080 * Aptos, California 95001-2080
Editor: C. J. Sage
February 3, 2006: "The Comfort of Strangers" by Jeffrey Levine
January 30, 2006: "Deep Sea Dantesca" by Carol Quinn
January 27, 2006: "Hibernaculum" and "Or," by Bridget Cross
January 24, 2006: "Pertinacious Seedheads" by Michelle Boisseau
June 28, 2005: "West Nile" by J. P. Dancing Bear
June 23, 2005: "Tell The Time" Theodore Worozbyt
June 22, 2005: "Three Boats, One Afternoon" Jennifer Michael Hecht
June 21, 2005: "The Personal Touch" Bob Hicok
December 27, 2004: "The Compost Heap" by A. E. Stallings
December 22, 2004: "Against Elegies" by M. B. McLatchey
December 21, 2004: "On Starlings" by Tara Bray
December 20, 2004: "Elephant" by Emily Rosko
April 16, 2004: "To a Friend Unable to Write" by Lynne Knight
April 15, 2004: "Nursery Shellgame" by Diane Thiel
April 14, 2004: "Lilith" by A. E. Stallings
April 12, 2004: "The Tree Frog" by C. Dale Young
August 8, 2003: "Island Myths" by J. P. Dancing Bear
August 7, 2003: "Pushkin and the Black Sea" by Diane Thiel
August 5, 2003: "Betta Splendens" by Ellen Kirvin Dudis
August 4, 2003: "A Bone to Pick with You" by A. E. Stallings
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