Today's poem is
from The Kenyon Review
Sarah Arvio's second book of poems, Sono, will be published by Knopf in January 2006. For her first book, Visits from the Seventh (Knopf, 2002), she was awarded the Rome Prize of the American Academy of Arts and Letters for 2003-2004, and in 2005, a Guggenheim Foundation fellowship. She works as a translator for the United Nations.
Other poems by Sarah Arvio in Verse Daily:
January 7, 2006: "Grotesque" " Freud had offered common unhappiness..."About The Kenyon Review:
Poets in this issue: Myles Axton, Beth Bachmann, Ellen Bass, Bruce Beasley, Nicky Beer, Clare Dunsford, Robin Ekiss, Albert Goldbarth, Margot Greenlee, Anna George Meek, Leslie Adrienne Miller • Aim; Wandering Uterus, Erling Norrby, D Nurkse, Chad Parmenter, Linda Pastan, C. R. Resetarits, Eve Stockton, Judith Strasser, Emma Hansen, Sarah Winsberg, Amrita Khalid, Meena Alexander, Sarah Arvio, John Koethe
Subscription: 1 year (4 issues), $30
The Kenyon Review * Walton House * Kenyon College * Gambier, OH 43022-9623
Poetry Editor: David Baker
Other poems from Kenyon Review in Verse Daily:
January 21, 2006: from "Genomic Vanitas & Memento Vivi" by Bruce Beasley
October 13, 2005: "Always The Same Face" by Phillis Levin
October 11, 2005: "Elegy For The Odd, Where It Drains, Where It Ends" Ander Monson
October 10, 2005: "Larger to Those Who Stay" Eleanor Wilner
July 31, 2005: "Loose Leaf from a Destroyed Journal Julie Sheehan
July 25, 2005: "Manatee" Carol Frost
May 9, 2005: "Gregor Mendel in the Garden" Linda Bierds
January 24, 2005: "Wishful Rhetoric" by Kevin Stein
January 11, 2005: "Upon Witnessing My Mother Impossibly Blossom Above My Father's Deathbed" by Kevin Stein
October 14, 2004: "They Shoot Birds" by Dionisio D. Martinez
October 13, 2004: "Elephants and Butterflies" by Alan Michael Parker
October 12, 2004: "Pomme Prisonniere" by Tenaya Darlington
October 11, 2004: "Morning in Liguria" by Philip Levine
July 17, 2004: "The Truth of Poetry" by Sharon Dolin
July 13, 2004: "Simone Weil at the Renault Factory (1935)" by Nance Van Winckel
April 6, 2004: "Start of March, Connemara" by Eamon Grennan
January 9, 2004: "Let me Remind You You Are Still Under Oath" by Nance Van Winckel
January 6, 2004: "Folded Back" by Rachel Hadas
October 4, 2003: "So Begins The Lasting Silence" by John E. Smelcer
October 3, 2003: "Target Practice" by Dolores Hayden
May 7, 2003: "In Earnest" by Joshua McKinney
December 15, 2002: My People by Dean Young
October 25, 2002: "When I Taught Mary to Eat Avocado" by Alison Stine
September 13, 2002: "Like Lavrinia" by Kimiko Hahn
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