Today's poem is "The Voyage of the Rays"
from Take Me With You
Polly Clark
studied English and Philosophy at Liverpool University and took an MA in English Literature at Oxford Brookes University. She has pursued a number of careers, including zookeeping in Edinburgh and teaching English in Hungary, and in 1997 she received an Eric Gregory Award for her poetry. Polly Clark lives in Oxford and currently works in publishing. Kiss is her first collection.
About Take Me With You:
"Grippingly acute and assured"
"Clark chooses a vivid palette... Tiny bearcubs curl up in her psyche. A cockatoo clambers about her as if she were a gnarled tropical tree. There is an elemental freshness to these poems"
"An unusual and compelling turn of phrase in poems which shape-shift through multiple personalities"
"Alive and vital, her voice rings with inspired confidence, carries the stamp of what is necessary, poems that cannot be done without"
"Poems to stiffen the hairs on the back of your neck. A breathtakingly assured first collection"
Gerard Woodward, Times Literary Supplement
Rachel Campbell-Johnson, The Times
Jane Holland, Poetry Review
Sarah Corbett, Poetry Wales
U.A. Fanthorpe
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