Today's poem is from "From A Burbank Catalogue"
from Wonder Cabinet
David Barber
is the poetry editor of The Atlantic. His first book, The Spirit Level, also published by TriQuarterly Books/ Northwestern University Press, won the Terrence Des Pres Prize. Barber's poetry and criticism have appeared in publications such as Field, New England Review, New Republic, New York Times Book Review, Paris Review, Poetry, and Virginia Quarterly Review.
About Wonder Cabinet:
"The botanist, the beekeeper, the falconer, the grammarian, the master of the high wire, the student of dew: David Barber's Wonder Cabinet finds room for them all. And finds in them all the common ground of poetry: devout articulation of the given world. Barber's gift for form is most luminous at just that juncture where form becomes meaning. These poems are built on wonder, and beautifully produce it."
"Observant, generous, unfailingly tactful, Barber documents 'a realm/whose overlords were patience and corrosion.' He is a poet of enormous gifts, and already, no small mastery."
Linda Gregerson
Rosanna Warren
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