Today's poem is by Barbara Hamby
Jesus has come into the mockingbird's heart,
and he's a saved bird, a motel of righteousnesson the highway of want. He's speaking in tongues,
lost Egyptian tongues of starlings of Ra,Set's darlings. The mockingbird's a mummy
in the tomb of noise, his words tangled in treebranches. He's a lion in March's army, big loud
roar, a nagging wife in the household of need,but he's right, where once he was just unhappy.
If we lassoed 10,000 mockingbirds and cut outtheir tongues, what a noose of discord we'd wear
around our necks, garland of complaint, twitteringrope of pandemonium, all the gripes of the ages
in one choker, one bloody bracelet of derision,one flickering snake of doubt. But the mockingbird's
saved. His heart's in God's bank, and he's shoutinghallelujah on street corners, telling everybody
about hellfire and damnation, because more thananything God loves to scare his creation,
set a fire and watch it lick through the night.
Copyright © 2005 Barbara Hamby All rights reserved
from Cairn
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