Today's poem is by Mekeel McBride
It Almost Seems Like Darkness
leaves her body last, as if, all along, that had been
the one thing keeping her alive. Now the air wavers,grows cooler, like waking in sheets made of wind
that arrives just after rain, earth fragrant with longingfor what might restore it. But where is she now?
She was here. I thought I'd seen a pale green bridge,like the one over Monet's water lilies. I thought
I'd been holding her hand. Outside the hospital window,a sparrow settles on the concrete sill. It tilts its head
and turns to look again into the empty room.Brown flower. Dust sister. I can't really see
its eye but know light's in itfrom a place close by but growing distant.
Copyright © 2005 Mekeel McBride All rights reserved
from Crying Sky
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