Today's poem is
"Long Distance"
from Poet Lore
Walter Griffin's work has appeared in The Iowa Review, The Oxford American, The Southern Review, The Kenyon Review, Poetry, The Paris Review, and others. He has poems forthcoming in The New Yorker and The Sewanee Review.Other poems from Poet Lore in Verse Daily:
August 3, 2005: "The Death of Cleone" Fleda BrownAbout Poet Lore:
Poets in this issue: Linda Pastan, Elaine Mott, Carl Adamshick, Annie Boutelle, Laura Hope-Gill, Rosemary Winslow, Grace E. Gray, Fleda Brown, Jane Shore, Nadell Fishman, David Hernandez, Rosemary Cappello, Daniel Tobin, Scott K. Odom, Charles Grosel, Michael Cleary, Maria Fire, Michael Tritto, Susan Cohen, Lee Rossi, Diane Shipley DeCillis, Mike White, Cristine DeSimone, Marc Elihu Hofstadter, Shana Deets, Stacey Waite, Victoria Anderson, Romy LeClaire, Elizabeth Harrington, Robert King, Michael Levine, Jed Allen, Sam Taylor, Clay Matthews, Joel Friederich, Jen Lighty, Gwen Hart, Eleanor Stanford, Robert Haynes, Lisa M. Steinman, Ruth Holzer, Faisal Mohyuddin, Melissa Morphew, Walter Griffin, Andrey Gritsman, Jim Daniels, Ben Berman, r. g. cantalupo, Noel Smith, Lois Marie Harrod, J.R. Solonche, Richard Peabody, Doritt Carroll, Diane Lockward, Rita Signorelli-Pappas, Jeffrey Encke, James Grabill, Karen Chase
Subscription: 1 year, $18
Poet Lore * c/o Writer's Center * 4508 Walsh Street * Bethesda, MD 20815
Editors: Jody Bolz, Rick Cannon, E. Ethelbert Miller
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