
Today's poem is "Sand"
from Body Painting

Red Hen Press

Jane Hilberry's first poetry teacher was her father, poet Conrad Hillberry, who sensed her interest in writing when she was a teenager. Hilberry graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Oberlin College, worked in the Publications Department of the Denver Art Museum, and continued her education at Indiana University, where she received an M.A. in Creative Writing and a Ph.D. in Medieval and Renaissance literature. She was one of the first editors of The Indiana Review. Hilberry now teaches Literature and Creative Writing at Colorado College in Colorado Springs, where, for the past sixteen years, she has developed methods to cultivate students' creativity. She has recently published and taught workshops in the United States and Canada on the subject of Creativity and Leadership. Interested in visual art as well as poetry, she published a book of art criticism/biography titled The Erotic Art of Edgar Britton (Ocean View Books, 2001). She has also published two chapbooks of poems. Her honors include the Colorado Council on the Arts Recognition Award for Poetry and a Colorado Endowment for the Humanities Research Award.

About Body Painting:

"If this is the book of the body, its lineaments are those of not only erotic but spiritual desire. Here friends and lovers, mothers and children, intermingle as in the morning light and shadow of a forgotten room, and the source of that light is Hilberry's very distinctive lyric voice, constantly surprising us with its subdued wit and deep understanding of what it means to be human."
—B. H. Fairchild

"Mystical, sensuous, and anguished anthems are sung here. Celebrations of being that are both fierce and tender, wry and vulnerable by turns. If Whitman had settled down enough to love a few men and women intensely and over time, he might have recorded those experiences in poems as rich as these, and been as pleased with them as Hilberry's readers will with these."
—Gregory Orr

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