Today's poem is
"The Red Ballroom"
from Cimarron Review
Doretta Wildes
lives in Portland, Connecticut, where she works as a freelance writer. She received her education in New England (including an MFA from Brown University in 1982) where she has lived most of her live.
Other poems by Doretta Wildes in Verse Daily:
About Cimarron Review:
October 31, 2005: "In Fall" " Math's gone mad. The countless leaves zigzag..."
Poets in this issue: Richard Cecil, Joyce James, Jen Karetnick, Doretta Wildes, Benjamin Scott Grossberg, Tara Bray, Bob Vance, Michael Lind, John Bargowski, Ron Spurga, Robert Parham, Tara Gorvine, Melanie Dusseau, Cyril Wong, Patricia Chao, Adam Clay, Susan Rich, James Crizer
Subscription: 1 year (4 issues), $24
Other poems from Cimarron Review in Verse Daily:
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Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Verse Daily
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Cimarron Review * 205 Morrill Hall * English Department * Oklahoma State University * Stillwater, OK 74078
Poetry Editors: Lisa Lewis * Ai * Alfred Corn
July 9, 2005: "Sestina Inviting My Sister to Become a Pirate" by Sandra Beasley
January 9, 2005: "Love Poem" by Rebecca Aronson
January 8, 2005: "Ghazal" by Mimi Khalvati
July 4, 2004: "Morning Drive to Ijamsville" by Elizabeth Rees
March 21, 2004: "Starlings in the Bakery" by Jason Roush
March 18, 2004: "Displacement" by Constantine Contogenis
March 16, 2004: "He became a poet because he could not fly" by Adam Penna
July 21, 2003: "Written By Pavlov’s Few, Sad, Last Surviving Dogs" by Susanna Roxman
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