Today's poem is "Rhymes for a Watertower"
from Hard Night
Christian Wiman
is the new editor of the oldest and most prestigious magazine of verse, Poetry. He has taught at Northwestern, Stanford, Lynchburg College in Virginia, and the Prague School of Economics. His first book, The Long Home, won the prestigious Nicholas Roerich Prize. His poems, criticism, and personal essays appear widely in such magazines as The Atlantic Monthly, Harper’s, and Slate.
Other poems by Christian Wiman in Verse Daily:
About Hard Night:
"A poet we will reckon with over time."
"A legitimate heir to Frost."
"At a time when many poets are using fragmentation and collage as their modus operandi, Wiman is a patient master of tradition: polishing each word, moving each poem coherently from beginning to end by an unfractured, emotional logic."
July 14, 2003: "Outer Banks (II)" by Christian Wiman
Kirkus Reviews
San Jose Mercury News
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