Today's poem is "Apostrophe"
from Chez Nous
Angie Estes
is the author of two previous collections of poems, The Uses of Passion and Voice-Over, winner of the 2001 FIELD Poetry Prize and the 2001 Alice Fay Di Castagnola Award from the Poetry Society of America.
Other poems by Angie Estes in Verse Daily:
About Chez Nous:
"With glamour's grammar and a vision rich in historical insight, Angie Estes has written a brilliant, evocative book. Picture a green glass vial tucked between the pillows of a diva's breasts 'to keep the cognac warm.' Chez Nous is at once crystal and cognacflacon and spiritand the singular, pure-pitched notes crossing so assuredly between them."
"The poems in Angie Estes' Chez Nous bristle like Wallace Stevens' firecat ('leaping / To the right, to the left') from the very start. She proves, in poem after poem, that nearly every word 'houses' a complex of meaning and nuance, frequently contradictory, and suggests that this 'house,' built by human utterance over time (and thereby 'our house'), is the quintessential metaphor for human nature: its tendency to invoke, reinvoke, unreinvoke, until simplicity is rendered impossible. The effect of Estes' persistent exploration is a collection of phenomenal poems--magnificent word-housesthat, like words themselves, with their roots, celebrate the ground, with their stems, solemnize the sky, and in sum, achieve the perfect musical accompaniment to the imperfect act of being alive."
July 15, 2004: "Proverbs" "Mortise and tenon, tongue..."
January 19, 2004: "Kind of Blue" "So the universe is not blue..."
Linda Bierds
Larissa Szporluk
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